
Aspects of MVSIM that should be considered in documentation:

  1. The Logic Engine, a pure Python module which receives a Python object representing a game state and returns a new game state.

  2. The Configuration system, which describes the interface to and from the logic engine, by providing schema for serializing and deserializing coefficient and variable values.

  3. The User Input model, which, like the Configuration system, defines which variables may be edited directly by the user during gameplay.

  4. The State model, which stores a single state of a game in a JSON formatted text blob, and which is deserialized according to a Configuration. The created timestamp of a state expresses the time when a user played a game turn that resulted in that state.

  5. The Game model, which contains a set of States (implicitly ordered by their created timestamp) and a link to a single Configuration and a single User Input, which determine how the Game will interpret its States.

  6. The Events system, which determines which notifications to display in the End Of Turn Report based on the game state before and after a turn was executed. Events are expressed as rows in a CSV file, and include information like:

    • Under what conditions should this event occur?
    • What text should be displayed to the user if this event occurs?
    • What is the event’s severity?

    The Events are currently read directly from the “events.csv” file during runtime. It would probably make sense to move them to the database and associate them with new games in the same way that configurations are associated with games.

  7. Starting States, which are just States associated with a Course Section. We need a UI for faculty to promote States to Starting States.

  8. :doc`The Courseaffils integration and CourseSection model <course-sections>`.

  9. The Graphing Tool.