The Events System

The Events system determines what notifications to display to the user in the End Of Season Report, based on conditions expressed against the game’s State prior to the turn being played and/or after the turn has been played. For simple, hopefully self-documenting examples, see the test cases at the bottom of the engine/ file.

Events include information like:

  • Under what conditions should this event occur?
  • What text should be displayed to the user if this event occurs?
  • What is the event’s severity? (Well, actually, “css class”)

The actual Events in use are in a CSV file, events.csv, in the root of the Django project; they are read from that file as needed at runtime.

A Django setting, MVSIM_EVENTS_CSV, points to the location of this file by default.

Future Directions

Pretty straightforward.

  • The events should probably live in the database, not a CSV file (which is an artifact of the Google Doc we were collaborating on to specify the events to build ou)
  • The events should be associated with the Configuration somehow, I think, so that they can vary per game, and because they are technically a required component of the interface to the logic engine.
  • The remaining notifications should be ported to the Events System: some are still just hard-coded in the Season Report templates.
  • Exposing UIs for faculty to browse, modify and select the active events could be interesting.