The Configuration System

The Configuration system allows administrators to build a schema by defining a set of typed Variables, and then specifying which of those Variables should be considered as “variables” (which change on each turn) and as “coefficients” (which are stable throughout a game) in the game. A Configuration serves two purposes:

  1. It defines and documents the necessary interface with the logic engine. Executing a turn consists of submitting a set of variables and coefficients, whose names and allowed types are defined by a Configuration, to the logic engine; and receiving a new set of variables and coefficients back from the logic engine, representing the new state of the game.
  2. It defines the schema by which a game state (represented as a JSON structure stored in a single text field) is validated and deserialized to a Python object that can be sent to the logic engine; and by which a Python object received from the logic engine can be serialized back into a JSON structure to be stored back in the database.

The Configuration system is implemented with Colander[1], a small standalone library by Chris McDonough that is maintained as part of the Pylons Project.



The Configuration system has a notion of Variables (which are distinct from the logic engine’s notion of “variables” vs “coefficients”; a Variable can be used by the logic engine as either a variable or a coefficient)

Variables are stored in the database (main_variable table) with a name and a type (e.g. integer, boolean, or list) – both as text columns. When constructing a Colander Schema out of a Configuration, the Variables’ names and types are used to declare the elements of the schema.

Variables can also store “extra type information” as a JSON blob, which can be used to add additional information to the Colander Schema. At the moment, the only “extra type information” implemented are:

  • “choices” (optional; should not be used for composite Variable types): provide a list of values to restrict the Variable’s possible values to
  • “listof” (required for List Variables; unused otherwise): provide a single string value that defines what kind of list this Variable is. Values can be either a Variable Type (int, list, string, etc) or the name of another Variable.
  • “attributes” (required for Dict Variables; unused otherwise): provide a list of string values, each the name of another Variable, which this Variable contains.

Additional “extra type information” (e.g. ranges for numerical values) could be implemented by modifying the mvsim.main.Variable.schema method to interpret different parts of the field and modify the colander constructors accordingly.

Design Contrast

The system is an update of the TurboGears MVSim’s system of Variables, Coefficients, Configurations, and SavedStates. The major differences are:

  • A strict separation of schema and state. The previous incarnation had a much looser boundary between the two: Variables and Coefficients “schema” held default values which could be overridden by particular (Coefficient) Configurations and (Variable) SavedStates. Likewise, the previous incarnation merged its concepts of schema and “starting state” – the place where a set of variables and coefficients were given initial values for new games(Configuration and SavedState) was the same place where the set of required variables and coefficients for the logic engine’s interface was implicitly declared.
  • Merging Configuration and SavedState into a single “State” object that includes both variables and coefficients.
  • Collapsing the distinction between SavedStates (which were used to initialize new games with variable values) and Turns (which were used to define the variable values for a given game turn) into the same single “State” object. The distinction between “starting states” and “active game states” is only semi-formal; implicitly, if a State is associated (by nullable foreign key) with a Game, then it is considered the state for a turn of that Game; if its game foreign key is null, it is a potential starting state. (For more on starting states, see the “course sections” documentation.)
  • Storing the entire State object in an unstructured fashion, in a single text column, with its structure interpreted in Python code based on an independent Configuration schema. The previous system, by contrast, pushed data structure into the database, with separate tables for Variables, Coefficients, sets of Variables in a Turn, etc; and e.g. a separate row for each variable value in a given turn. This structure didn’t really provide any advantages (we never had to run any complex relational queries or aggregations on variables and turns, with the possible exception of the graphing tool) and made it overly difficult to manage incremental changes to the logic engine’s interface.

By pushing structure out of the database and into Python code, and by decoupling the definition of a structure from the data that fills it, incremental changes should be easier to make and keep track of. Similarly, by de-formalizing the distinction between variables and coefficients, the logic engine can be more flexible – it can decide what sort of interface it wants to provide, and no structural changes to the database will be necessary. (For example, configurations of “events” could be added; for details, see the “events” documentation.)

Future Directions

The design considers Configurations to be tightly coupled to the logic engine, and loosely coupled to everything else. Any change to the Configuration implies that the code of the logic engine has changed (specifically, that it will be looking for more or fewer variables or coefficients, or will be expecting a different type for the value of a given variable or coefficient) and, while not every code change in the logic engine requires a Configuration change, any code change that modifies the logic engine’s interface expectations must be accompanied by a Configuration change.

In light of this, it’s not clear to me whether Configurations should actually be stored in the database: perhaps, instead, a Configuration should be specified declaratively in Python code that lives alongside the logic engine. (The decision to store Configurations in the database was inherited from the previous incarnation of MVSim.) At the moment, notice that the choice of Configuration is hard-coded to the one whose ID=1.

The Configuration system, and the coupling of a Configuration to the logic engine, with Game and State objects therefore more-or-less agnostic to the data structure and logic engine that act upon them, opens up the possibility of multiple logic engines existing in a single MVSim installation. As long as each Game mediates between Configuration and States, it could dispatch to one of several logic engines. This could be used to provide:

  • A/B testing of logic implementations
  • Versioned logic engines with the ability to “roll-back” the default engine to a previous version
  • Beta-testing new logic engine versions
  • Providing different logic implementations to different courses, course sections, or institutions

Ultimately I’m imagining that the logic engine would be moved into a separate pure-Python package, which ships with a logic engine and its necessary Configuration schema; the MVSim Django application would then be a simulation platform, and one or more logic-engine packages could be installed and activated on top of it.

For more discussion of this see the “logic engine” documentation.

Object-Oriented Variables

The system of Configurations and Variables allows for composite variables that contain other variables, as sketched above. I’ve envisioned this being used to refactor and combine some of the existing variables, both to simplify some of the logic engine’s code and to reduce the headaches on instructors and admins creating and editing starting states by providing logical groupings of conceptually related variables in the editing UI. (The UI benefits would occur automatically thanks to Deform’s schema-to-form logic.)

In particular, the assorted list-like variables related to family members could be refactored into a dict-like Person variable with logical attributes, and then aggregated in a list-like People variable whose list entries must be Person items. These variables include:

  • variables.names
  • variables.genders
  • variables.ages
  • variables.sick
  • variables.efforts
  • variables.schooling_state

If these are combined into a Person variable, a bit of logic engine code would need to change: specifically, the marshall_people and setup_people functions could be removed entirely.

Other variables might also be good candidates for this sort of refactoring; symptoms to look for include code that transforms variables before passing them on to the meat of the logic engine (like the simple_controller.adjust_submission function in the engine module); variables with ad-hoc string formats that encode multiple pieces of information in a single field (like sick, purchase_items and sell_items) and variables which are rarely or never used in the logic engine on their own, but instead need other variables to be meaningful (like bednet_ages and owned_items.bednet, and maybe the various microfinance_ variables)

Equations Map

Another future idea Rob and I have talked about is a way of browsing through the variables and coefficients in a configuration, and, ideally, seeing the equations that they’re used in – essentially, converting the formulas in the PDF equations document to a set of database entries with each component being a hyperlink to the variable that it represents; and then a databrowse-style interface for exploring the relationships. Note that if the configurations and variables were converted to code this could be done just as easily in code.